Monday, August 31, 2009

Remembering her...

She is the most valuable creation of God yet the most neglected. A figure who stays besides us during every breath we take, cares for us with all her being and loves us unconditionally ...... Yes, I am talking about our Mother ...... Today when I am a Mom myself, I feel her essence more than ever....

When my daughter rebukes me for being strict to her, i feel i am not wanted or at other times when she hugs me lovingly and says 'Mom u r the best' ..... it's like i have all the best things in life!!!

There were many a times, when i and mom didn't get along on something and i used to shout at her, never did i realise then as to how she must have felt ..... Many a times, i haughtily attributed her selfless care for me "Its your duty as a Mother, big deal....".

I remember her patiently sitting and feeding me for hours (i had this habit of sitting with my mouth full of food and not swallowing them)...... and now how disgusted and impatient i feel when my daughter does the same ...... i scold her, threaten her so that she finishes her food fast and i can go and catch on some sleep. Did i ever think that my mom too needed to rest??? During my teens, though i used to share every thing with mom, i felt somewhere she didn't understand me or didn't want to, specially when she didn't allow me to do certain things which i wanted... i rebelled, complained to Dad, hoping Dad would scold mom .... little did i realise then that they were for my own good.

As i grew, we did get very close, she was the only one with whom i could share everything under the sun .... be it being proposed by someone, a crush on some good looking guy or coaxing dad to give permission to go to discotheques with friends ..... even after marriage, there wasn't a single day when i didn't call her up to talk about the happennings of the day ..... even now, after 5 years of losing her, i still have this severe compulsion to call her up and talk to her ...... if only there was a telephone connectivity to heaven ..... i could have spoken to her... there are so many things i want to share with her....... things like what i bought for the upcoming pujas, about my husband's new job, about my daughter's achievement, about so many other things...... if only ...


Monday, July 13, 2009

Homosexuality - Legalised in India

Homosexuality has been declared legal in India last week by the Court and this was celebrated throughout by the gay community. The reaction in the society was mixed. According to many, gays have the right to come out of the closet and express themselves freely whereas, according to the more conservatives, this shouldn’t have been allowed. The concept is still looked upon with hatred. The west had given recognition long time back but here in our country the fight came to an end recently…… as the saying goes “Better late than Never”.

I, personally feel it’s an individual’s choice, one shouldn’t be judgemental about it. But then, come to think of it ….. as someone in your family, it would be difficult to accept/digest the fact.

I invite all you readers to put in your suggestions, opinions, experiences on this. What is your take on this subject!!!

Debrigarh Wildlife Sanctuary

Situated on the banks of Hirakud Hydel Power Project is Debrigarh Widlife Sanctuary. A 5 km drive off the National Highway brings you to a foothill where the road divides - one leading to the Hirakud Dam and the other to another man-made dyke encircling the Mahanadi Reservoir.

We, a group of 9 members, reached the Sanctuary at around 1.30 pm and after the formalities with the Forest Range Office, we are allowed to enter the sanctuary . We checked in into beautifully done cottages with a fine view of the lake and the forest. Hospitality was excellent and so was the food served. We freshened up after a welcome drink of fresh lime juice and lunch followed. The Manager promised us to take us for a jungle safari at 5 pm.

It was hot and sultry and was impossible to nap in the afternoon. We waited for the evening and at around 4.30 we climbed up the watch tower to get an aerial view. As we stood there with the hills on our left, thick vegetation and the largest reservoir in front of us, we could suddenly see ripples forming on the lake far away whereas the water in front of us still calm.

We guessed it was a storm approaching and then we got to taste the strong winds, almost felling us. After experiencing a heat of 48 - 49 degrees over a week or so, it was more than welcome and was soothing to the skin. Along with it came the downpour and we soaked ourselves.

We came down from the watch tower and ran to the dining area where tea and pakoras were being served, a perfect thing to go with heavy rains in an idle evening. We watched the rains bringing a new leash of life to the parched lands and the trees . It was a refreshing experience altogether but then our jungle safari got cancelled. Nevertheless, after the downpour we took a walk to the lake side. The sun was about to set and with the wind blowing, we got to see some silhouettes of bison who had come to the other end of the lake to have a drink.

It was getting dark so we came back to our cottages and spent the evening chatting over more cups of tea whereas the men indulged themselves with drinks. It was a perfect ambience to catch up with family members, away from the madding crowd tucked away amidst natural and the various nocturnal calls. Dinner was served in the open dining area at around 9.30 and after that we all retired early with nothing to do in the dark.

Next morning, me, my hubby and niece woke up at 4.30 am and sneaked out woke up the manager and made him take us into the forest. The morning was beautiful and charismatic, very unlike the ones we city dwellers are used to see. We drove slowly through the forest and caught glimpses of peacocks, squirrels, wild boars, monkeys, a couple of foxes.

Bad luck we didn't get an opportunity to catch a glimpse of the royal cat but the manager did tell us that a couple of days prior to our visit, a group got lucky to see a tiger sitting majestically on the driveway making them come to a halt.

Sun was rising high and it was time for us to get back to our cottages and leave the wild at peace. We came back, got ready, had our breakfast and started our journey back home, promising to come back here atleast once more .