Monday, August 31, 2009

Remembering her...

She is the most valuable creation of God yet the most neglected. A figure who stays besides us during every breath we take, cares for us with all her being and loves us unconditionally ...... Yes, I am talking about our Mother ...... Today when I am a Mom myself, I feel her essence more than ever....

When my daughter rebukes me for being strict to her, i feel i am not wanted or at other times when she hugs me lovingly and says 'Mom u r the best' ..... it's like i have all the best things in life!!!

There were many a times, when i and mom didn't get along on something and i used to shout at her, never did i realise then as to how she must have felt ..... Many a times, i haughtily attributed her selfless care for me "Its your duty as a Mother, big deal....".

I remember her patiently sitting and feeding me for hours (i had this habit of sitting with my mouth full of food and not swallowing them)...... and now how disgusted and impatient i feel when my daughter does the same ...... i scold her, threaten her so that she finishes her food fast and i can go and catch on some sleep. Did i ever think that my mom too needed to rest??? During my teens, though i used to share every thing with mom, i felt somewhere she didn't understand me or didn't want to, specially when she didn't allow me to do certain things which i wanted... i rebelled, complained to Dad, hoping Dad would scold mom .... little did i realise then that they were for my own good.

As i grew, we did get very close, she was the only one with whom i could share everything under the sun .... be it being proposed by someone, a crush on some good looking guy or coaxing dad to give permission to go to discotheques with friends ..... even after marriage, there wasn't a single day when i didn't call her up to talk about the happennings of the day ..... even now, after 5 years of losing her, i still have this severe compulsion to call her up and talk to her ...... if only there was a telephone connectivity to heaven ..... i could have spoken to her... there are so many things i want to share with her....... things like what i bought for the upcoming pujas, about my husband's new job, about my daughter's achievement, about so many other things...... if only ...