Monday, August 31, 2009

Remembering her...

She is the most valuable creation of God yet the most neglected. A figure who stays besides us during every breath we take, cares for us with all her being and loves us unconditionally ...... Yes, I am talking about our Mother ...... Today when I am a Mom myself, I feel her essence more than ever....

When my daughter rebukes me for being strict to her, i feel i am not wanted or at other times when she hugs me lovingly and says 'Mom u r the best' ..... it's like i have all the best things in life!!!

There were many a times, when i and mom didn't get along on something and i used to shout at her, never did i realise then as to how she must have felt ..... Many a times, i haughtily attributed her selfless care for me "Its your duty as a Mother, big deal....".

I remember her patiently sitting and feeding me for hours (i had this habit of sitting with my mouth full of food and not swallowing them)...... and now how disgusted and impatient i feel when my daughter does the same ...... i scold her, threaten her so that she finishes her food fast and i can go and catch on some sleep. Did i ever think that my mom too needed to rest??? During my teens, though i used to share every thing with mom, i felt somewhere she didn't understand me or didn't want to, specially when she didn't allow me to do certain things which i wanted... i rebelled, complained to Dad, hoping Dad would scold mom .... little did i realise then that they were for my own good.

As i grew, we did get very close, she was the only one with whom i could share everything under the sun .... be it being proposed by someone, a crush on some good looking guy or coaxing dad to give permission to go to discotheques with friends ..... even after marriage, there wasn't a single day when i didn't call her up to talk about the happennings of the day ..... even now, after 5 years of losing her, i still have this severe compulsion to call her up and talk to her ...... if only there was a telephone connectivity to heaven ..... i could have spoken to her... there are so many things i want to share with her....... things like what i bought for the upcoming pujas, about my husband's new job, about my daughter's achievement, about so many other things...... if only ...



Mithun Ghosh said...

Very true and heavenly words for
the most respected and loving person in our life,our mom.

Deb said...

reality comes in front of us...thx to Manasi for such xcellent topic..
MOTHER word isnot only 5 characters, it is our world...and we are feel for her!!!!

Arkapriya said...

very true...a little liquid sparkle did come to my eyes..but still i know ill be rebuking my mom n yet i kno will feel bad for it..somhow this way the relation goes...very true n heart touching write up.

Unknown said...

Thanx Mona for such excellent & touchy write up....MOM....our World...really I donno how ppl live without her

*swati* said...

very true...this is the only relation between mom and child which demands nothing.MOM......luv u

Unknown said...

I lost my mom this year on 30th june........ why all the feeling u shared are same as I feel these days. I used love my dad the best but now I realise she was the one who loved me the best ...and too silently...... and I didnt even noticed. Love u MA. Please forgive me.

Suman Chakraborty said...

Monta kharap hoye gelo, ki likhbo bujhte parchina,.........

Unknown said...

i can only sum up that drops of tears rolled down my eyes
these drops of tears r as pure as the relation between......

in this fast virtual world we really sometimes forget
what we are
where we are
and how we reached here

thanks Mashi for making us to give a pause and to live a real not a reel world.

Tanusree Choudhuri said...

Heart touching....
for me it is down the memory lane....
I lost my Pop at an young age....
so many times I have been taken over by the feeling of meeting him again...seeing him....
Mom or Pop...both of them leave a vaccum in our lives when no more they can hold our hands ...
we can meet our friends , enemies ..even people who have been estranged from us....but there isn't a single place...where...we could go and meet them...unless....we get a call....from ...heaven...we all eventually would...

We would meet them perhaps in another world ...if they haven't taken thire next per hindu beliefs....the soul is reborn within 40 days ...and they come back in a new package in our lives in diffenet forms...WE FAIL TO RECOGNISE THEM...


Unknown said...

A heart-wrenching piece from Manashi.I lost my Dad when i was 14.And life was never the same.Mom and Dad ....... these 2 are the only people in your life who gives you unconditional love.A love that can never be repaid but only passed on to our next generation.This reminds me of one line writtn by none other than our Rabindranath Tagore:
dur eshechilo kache....furailo din....dure chole giye aro shey nikote ache....

Sucheta said...

Beautiful. Very touching. I can empathize because I lost my father a few years back.

Unknown said...

Very well written article. Great Blog.. bookmarked it for future visits..

Unknown said...

This is the only example of unconditional love........

Anonymous said...

Simple words collated form the memory lane create wonders, I was carried away..i appreciate the way you have acknowledgment the most meaningful relationship in this world..this world has no words for ur loss..thanks Manashi for sharing this
how much effective electronic media is in the field of communication I have no idea.. but for sure where ever she is, she is proud to have received u as her daughter. Communication fr heart know no bounds..

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Dona said...

Oh my God! Couldn't help crying!